Social Justice

Social Justice
G2 Parlamenta
A civic campaign in support of voting rights for documented immigrants and citizenship rights for descendant of immigrants in Italy. Included the creation, introduction and dissemination of new legislation in Parliament.
A project in collaboration with the Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali, serving second generations youth in Milano. The office provided guidance and information to immigrants and their children about welfare and other social services and created a model for other cities.
ProgettoG2 LGBT
A project in collaboration with Ala Onlus (sportello Trans), Arcilesbica and researcher Massimo Modesti, exploring and bringing attention to the experiences of the second-generation LGBTQ subjects. The project promoted self-reflections, and the opportunity for community-building around the concept of intersectionality.
L’Italia sono anch’io
A National campaign involving 17 organizations nation wide, this campaign sought to reform the current legal structure of the Italian citizenship law (Legge 91/1992) that excludes children of immigrants through civic and legal interventions.
The campaign led to the presentation in Parliament of two law proposals of social initiative:
- a proposal for reform of the regulations on citizenship, updating the concepts of nation and nationality on the basis of belonging to a community through study, work and life.
- a proposal which recognizes that migrants have the right to vote in local electoral consultations, as a valid instrument of social and political responsibility.
On October 13 2015, the Chamber of Deputies approved by a large majority the bill amending law n. 91/1992 on citizenship. The amendments is currently waiting to be discussed and approved, by the Italian Senate.
18 anni… in Comune
A campaign created by Rete G2 in collaboration with Save the Children and Anci (National association Italian municipalities) in the context of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification. The campaign sought to inform children of immigrant who just turned 18, of their rights to request Italian citizenship.
Civic and Educational Radio Show on Radio Popolare Network led by Rete G2 members. The showed, which was the first of its kind, allowed for the second generations to share their experiences with a larger public. They hosted live discussions with prominent scholars, artists, activists and politicians and promoted music and other creative arts by second generations.

Social Justice
G2 Parlamenta
A civic campaign in support of voting rights for documented immigrants and citizenship rights for descendant of immigrants in Italy. Included the creation, introduction and dissemination of new legislation in Parliament.
A project in collaboration with the Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali, serving second generations youth in Milano. The office provided guidance and information to immigrants and their children about welfare and other social services and created a model for other cities.
ProgettoG2 LGBT
A project in collaboration with Ala Onlus (sportello Trans), Arcilesbica and researcher Massimo Modesti, exploring and bringing attention to the experiences of the second-generation LGBTQ subjects. The project promoted self-reflections, and the opportunity for community-building around the concept of intersectionality.
L’Italia sono anch’io
A National campaign involving 17 organizations nation wide, this campaign sought to reform the current legal structure of the Italian citizenship law (Legge 91/1992) that excludes children of immigrants through civic and legal interventions.
The campaign led to the presentation in Parliament of two law proposals of social initiative:
- a proposal for reform of the regulations on citizenship, updating the concepts of nation and nationality on the basis of belonging to a community through study, work and life.
- a proposal which recognizes that migrants have the right to vote in local electoral consultations, as a valid instrument of social and political responsibility.
On October 13 2015, the Chamber of Deputies approved by a large majority the bill amending law n. 91/1992 on citizenship. The amendments is currently waiting to be discussed and approved, by the Italian Senate.
Civic and Educational Radio Show on Radio Popolare Network led by Rete G2 members. The showed, which was the first of its kind, allowed for the second generations to share their experiences with a larger public. They hosted live discussions with prominent scholars, artists, activists and politicians and promoted music and other creative arts by second generations.
18 anni… in Comune
A campaign created by Rete G2 in collaboration with Save the Children and Anci (National association Italian municipalities) in the context of the 150th anniversary of Italian Unification. The campaign sought to inform children of immigrant who just turned 18, of their rights to request Italian citizenship.